DANCE NATION By Clare Barron
Directed by Melissa Martin
November 22 - December 15, 2019
Barebones Black Box
1211 Braddock Avenue
Braddock, PA 15104
Somewhere in America, an army of pre teen competitive dancers plots to take over the world. And if their new routine is good enough they’ll claw their way to the top at the boogie down Grand Prix in Tampa Bay. But in Clare Barron’s raucous pageant of ambition and ferocity, these young dancers have more than choreography on their minds, because every plié and jeté is a step toward finding themselves, and a fight to unleash their power.
Lissa Brennan (Ashlee)
Nancy McNulty (Vanessa/Moms)
Cary Anne Spear (Maeve)
Liron Blumenthal (Amina)
Mita Ghosal (Connie)
Hope Anthony (Zuzu)
Mei Lu Barnum (Sofia)
Jerreme Rodriguez (Luke)
David Conrad (Dance Teacher Pat)
Doug McDermott (Technical Director)
Andrew David Ostrowskit (Lighting Designer)
Brittany Spinelli (Stage Manager)
Ali Roush (Assistant Stage Manager)
Tomé Cousin (Choreographer)
CT Steele (Costume Designer)
“A blazingly original play from the insanely talented Clare Barron... marvel at how close what you see cuts to the bone”
“I have seen the future and it is Dance Nation.”